With over 25,000 stocks listed on the major stock exchanges, its important to analyze before you invest into any stock. Using the Stock Analysis tool, you can search for any stock listed in the Nasdaq or NYSE exchanges, and our sophisticated algorithms will analyze the chart data & patterns, to apply technical indicators, resulting in a simple BUY or SELL rating based on the technicals data. For advanced users, the app will provide the technical data such as support, resistance, moving averages, RSI, CCI, Fibonacci retracement value, plus so much more technical data at your fingertips. No more do you have to learn or analyze the charts.
The app allows you to use our special trading indicators to analyze any stock.
A search for any NASDAQ or NYSE stock, will yield a simple BUY, SELL or Neutral recommendation based on the 100-day daily technical indicators, oscillators, and chart patterns using our proprietary trading indicators.